Tuesday, June 12, 2007

House Warming Gets You Drunk

So this past Saturday night was my friends Bill, Crystal, and Antho's house warming party. I can say it was definitely some of the most fun I've had in a while. There was friends, drinks and awesome music. My band (www.myspace.com/westernfrontmusic) played along with Samsara (not sure of their URL, just look em' up) who are as cool as the other side of the pillow! They came all the way from Riverside along with Mr. Party Marty! There was no bullshit, it was awesome and at the same time it was a surprise cause there ended being a lot of random, young, high school, people. Let's see here are some random yet interesting happenings that I can remember: Danny got peed on (three times), Some girl had their period all over the side yard, I smoked pot, something I rarely do (see picture) , Manu actually hung out with us after we played, It was great! Oh and his girlfriend drank which is something I never thought I'd see plus she barfed...it was awesome! Nobody got any play that I know of...that's weird to me with there being that many people there. Maybe it's a good thing cause there was too much jailbait at one point haha alright I'm done for now!

1 comment:

anthony said...

you should blog more. there, i said it.